Monday, November 2, 2020


 As The Curmudgeon is mellowing in his old age I thought it better that I write today's post.


Yes, it's been a trying day here in Wellington. I had to go to two supermarkets (inner city ones) just to get the ingredients for a simple tea of stuffed potatoes! How hard would you think that was? 

  • Large potatoes
  • Cheese
  • Spring onion
  • Spinach
  • Chicken bacon rashers.
As it was neither stocked large Agria potatoes and I had to settle for another variety. I hope that they'll turn out OK.

Walking to and fro, I had problems and confrontations with other footpath users.

Slow walkers

What is it with some people who dawdle along, totally oblivious to others behind them? It's OK if they are on their own but when there is a group of 3 or more abreast it's just plain ignorant. I like it when The Old Girl barges through them saying "Gangway! Old lady coming through".

People texting on cell-phones

Several times idiots on cell-phones walked into me as I was making my way. I admit that I didn't move out of the way but why should I? I like the surprised look on their faces after my shoulder bangs theirs as they had no clue where they were walking.

People on scooters.

I had to make rude gestures to three different people riding their bloody motorised scooters along the footpath on Willis Street. How fucking rude (not me - them). I still hate these useless forms of transport and can't wait for them to be banned.

Idiot cyclists ignoring red lights.

At the intersection of Willis and Bond Streets, all traffic was stopped to allow pedestrians to cross - all except some bastard on his bike who rode straight through the walkers. I had to call out "Arsehole" and give him the fingers.

I tell you - I don't need this aggravation at my time of life.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


So we just had New Years. So what. This is just another bloody nonsense that's well past its 'use-by' date like Christmas, Easter and Guy Fawkes Day. I went to bed at 10.30!

I heard on the news that on New Years eve, up here where I live some fuckwits let off fireworks that caused cats and dogs to run away and spooked a horse so badly it badly injured itself in a barbed wire fence. What's wrong with these people?

On the same evening some brainless scrotes had a party on one of the beaches, lit fires under the trees and smashed beer bottles on the beach necessitating locals having to sift through the sand to collect the broken glass so that children playing there didn't get injured. Fucking arseholes.

I give up.